The uniqueness of the church lies in the fact that it was constructed against a boulder on which a rock drawing is present .

This drawing represents a standing male figure, dressed in a knee-length kilt and a skullcap, holding a spear in his left hand with seven or more triangular flags. With his right hand he holds the forelegs of two rams that are on his right-hand side. The way this figure has been depicted, with the head in profile and the torso in frontal position, is beyond doubt inspired by Egyptian art and it is therefore most likely that this representation was made in the Kushite period. A more precise dating is impossible to give at the moment. Although the representation was executed in the same technique as other rock drawings in the area, it is of an exceptional character. Both the scale (2.5 m high) and style make it closer to the monumental reliefs, known from the temple decorations.