

13th International Conference for Meroitic Studies (Muenster, 9-13. September 2024)

P.L. Polkowski, D.Zielińska : The lord of Miseeda. Understanding the place from the perspective of a man engraved in a rock

30th  European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting (Rome,
28 – 31. August 2024)

M. Drzewiecki, J. Ciesielska, P.L.Polkowski, K.C.nnemée, P. Osypiński, K.  Rosa, M. Kurcz: “Frontier Wandering On The Nile’s Third Cataract”

M. Kurcz: “Between Kingdoms and Cultures, Throughout Epochs – frontier, ethnography and cultural landscapes of the Third Cataract region (Sudan)”

European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference (EASA) ( Barcelona, 23-26 July 2024) M. Kurcz: “The Waste of Past. The Past of Waste. Archaeological Remains, Waste Management, and Ethnography in Sudan”

Third International Conference: the Rock Art of Northern Africa (Brussels, 12-14. September 2023)

P.L. Polkowski : „Rock art research in the Nile Third Cataract Region: Preliminary results of the 2022–2023 survey at Miseeda”

Nile’s Earth. International Conference Study And Conservation Of Earthen Archaeological Sites In Ancient Egypt And Sudan (Grenoble, 4-6. July 2023)

K. Innemee, D. Zielińska, Y. Kulshreshtha, H. Jonkers: „ A bio-based liquid impregnation system. First results of the consolidation of adobe bricks from the church at Miseeda”

International Symposium From foragers to farmers in Northeastern Africa (Poznań, 03-06. July 2023)

P. L. Polkowski, D. Zielińska, M. Drzewiecki, J. Ciesielska, K. Rosa, K. Innemée, & P. Osypiński: „Report on the first season of the survey in Miseeda, Third Cataract of the Nile, Sudan: Some preliminary observations”

Poles on the Nile. Season 2023 (Warsaw, 21-23. June 2023)

C.Calaforra-Rzepka, J. Ciesielska, M.  Drzewiecki, F. „Tata” Idris, K. Innemée, M. Kurcz, P. Osypiński, P. L. Polkowski, K.Rosa, D. Zielińska, M. Żelechowski-Stoń, „Preliminary results of the field season at Miseeda; AutumnWinter 2022/2023”

Our results of the first fieldwork season were presented during the 15th International Nubian Conference held at the University of Warsaw, 29th August – 4th September 2022.

Ahmed Elhassan Water management in the vicinity of the Church at Miseeda

Paweł Polkowski Beyond the Church: Rock art research in the surroundings fo Miseeda village.

Katarzyna Rosa Local traditions and external inspirations. Preliminary inside view of pottery workshops in Miseeda region.

Dobrochna Zielińska The Re-interpretation of a Kushite Image in Christian Context. A case study of the  iconographical programme of the sanctuary of the church at Miseeda.

Dobrochna Zielińska, Yask Kulshreshtha, Henk Jonkers, Karel InneméeA bio-based liquid impregnation system. First results of consolidation of
adobe bricks from the church at Miseeda.

First impressions after the season were presented on a poster during the annual conference of the Faculty of Archaeology UW “The Past has a Future!”

and presentation during the annual conference Polacy nad Nilem (Poles on the Nile)

The results of preliminary season in February we could share during the 5th Conference of Sudan Studies that was held in Warsaw, 4-5.09.2021.

First public presentation of the project during the NubiaFEST 2020 online conference: